Most Thriving Destinations near Bangalore for River Rafting

Most Thriving Destinations near Bangalore for River Rafting

“As we strive to tune in with the world around us every day, we must sing a song sometimes.”

In short, the wandering mind needs a tranquil time to recharge itself. And what is better than an adventurous trip around your city? If you are in and around Bangalore, you are in luck to find incredible places to walk amidst floras, go for a long road trip, do gutsy venture and play bubbling & refreshing water sports. While most water sports are fun and easy to participate, river rafting is the one that challenges you physically and mentally. Not to mention, the satisfactory joy you experience at the end is greater any of the office achievements. Let’s explore the best destination near Bangalore to enjoy river rafting.


You just missed the grade 3 rapids on Cauvery river in Bheemeshwari. But the river rafting, in general, goes on here for all around the year with mostly a flat ground but high-speed current. The amazing aspect of doing river rafting on the flat ground is that you can jump off in the water whenever you want but still thrilling for speedy node.


Have you ever dreamed of relaxing in a boat that is going through the lush green jungle offering a pristine love of nature? Kondaji white water river rafting gives you almost such experience with enough number of turbulence in a way and encourages you to appreciate the peaceful time watching the forest and birds.


So, the most famous for the beautiful renditions of beach evenings and mornings – Gokarna is also quite welcoming for the water sports enthusiasts and offers them uneven waves of Kali river. The white water rafting would be breathtaking with its challenging rapids and unpredictable bumps & turns that gallop through rocky paths. Let’s put your foot forward to the adrenaline rush.


With 9.5 kms of a long trail of rafting, Dandeli offers a measured amount of fun, unpredictable hiccups, soothing flow and the wild experience of grade 3 rapids in the monsoon. The river has a few dips at unmarked locations and sharp slopes for a thrilling slide. In the end, you will have only one thing to wonder, “Why not come here, again?”


Now, here comes the most difficult river rafting in all South India with the rapids up to grade 4 to 5 in monsoon. Placed amidst the green floras and rare faunas of Agumbe forest, Sitanadi tests all your courage with intimidating current unpredictable turns and dips and hard falls. You must be a trained adventurer or with well-trained rafters to go along the water. River rafting in Sitanadi will be once in a lifetime ride.

So, the list is up. Would you tell us which of these your favourites are? We selected only a few, hence mention the river rafting place you think should be on the list. Also, write to us to reveal how you felt in any of these places. We will be waiting like you might be waiting for your next holiday!

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